Thursday 6 March 2014


1) Which of the following topologies consists of multiple CPUs connected by a single communication line running the length of the network? 
 A. Tree
 B. Ring
 C. Star
 D. Bus
Ans:-  D

2) An operating system 
 A. Is not required on large computers
 B. Is always supplied with the computer
 C. Is always supplied with the BASIC
 D. Consists of programs that help in the operation of computer
Ans:- D

3) The simplest directory structure is 
 A. Single level directory
 B. Two level directory
 C. Tree structure directory
 D. None of these

4) Moving process from main memory to disk is called 
 A. Scheduling
 B. Catching
 C. Swapping
 D. Spooling
Ans:- C

5) A page fault means that we referenced a page 
 A. Outside the memory boundaries
 B. With an incorrect I/O request
 C. That was not in secondary storage
 D. That was not in main memory

6) It is not possible to have a deadlock involving only a single process. Why? 
 A. This holds mutual exclusion, hold-and-wait and non-preemption
 B. This follows directly from the hold-and-wait condition
 C. Because single process not always in safe state
 D. None of the above

7) With a single resource ,deadlock occurs 
 A. If there are more than two processes competing for that resource
 B. If there are only two processes competing for that resource
 C. If there is a single process competing for that resource
 D. None of the above

8) ________ is the time required by a sector to reach below read/write head. 

 A. Seek Time
 B. Latency Time
 C. Access time
 D. None

9) An audit log 
 A. Simply records the time
 B. User
 C. Type of all access to an object
 D. All of these

10) If the time slice used in the round robin scheduling policy is more than maximum time required to execute any process.Then the policy will be
 A. Degenerate the shortest job first
 B. Degenerate the priority scheduling
 C. Degenerated to first come first serve
 D. None of the above

11) Suppose we have a system in which processes is in hold and wait condition then which of the following approach prevent the deadlock. 
 A. Request all resources initially
 B. Spool everything
 C. Take resource away
 D. Order resources numerically

12) The purpose of a Memory Management Unit is to ___________ . 
 A. Perform run-time mapping from virtual to physical addresses
 B. Ensure protection of the memory space allocated to every process
 C. Both A and B are correct responses
 D. None of these responses is correct
Ans:- A

13) Which of the following Operating System does not implement multitasking truly? 
 A. Windows 98
 B. Windows NT
 C. Windows XP
Ans:- D

14) Malicious access are 
 A. Unauthorized reading of data
 B. Unauthorized modification of data
 C. Unauthorized destruction of data
 D. All of these

15) Multiprogramming systems 
 A. Are easier to develop than single programming systems
 B. Execute each job faster
 C. Execute more jobs in the same time period
 D. Are used only one large mainframe computers

16) If a system contains CPU bound processes then which of the following scheduling algorithm produces maximum efficiency of the CPU : 
 B. Round Robin
 D. Priority
Ans:- C

17) A sequence of instructions,in a computer language to get the desired result is known as 
 A. Process
 B. Program
 C. Software
 D. None of these

18) Which of the following is a service not supported by the operating system? 
 A. Protection
 B. Accounting
 C. Compilation
 D. I/O operation

19) What problem is solved by Dijkstra’s Banker’s algorithm? 
 A. Mutual exclusion
 B. Deadlock recovery
 C. Deadlock avoidance
 D. Cache coherence

20) Which is built directly on the hardware? 
 A. Computer Environment
 B. Application Software
 C. Operating System
 D. Database System

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