Sunday 9 March 2014


1) Memory protection is normally done by the 
 A. Processor and the associated hardware
 B. Operating system
 C. Compiler
 D. User program
 Ans:- A

2) The file structure that redefines its first record at a base of zero uses the term 
 A. Relative organization
 B. Key fielding
 C. Dynamic reallocation
 D. Hashing
Ans:- A

3) The scheduling in which CPU is allocated to the process with least CPU-burst time is called 
 A. Priority Scheduling
 B. Shortest job first Scheduling
 C. Round Robin Scheduling
 D. Multilevel Queue Scheduling

4) The data block of a very large file in the UNIX file system are allocated using 
 A. Contiguous allocation
 B. Linked allocation
 C. Indexed allocation
 D. An extension of indexed allocation

5) Best method for allocation is 
 A. Contiguous
 B. Linked
 C. Index
 D. All of these

6) Which of the following scheduling policy is well suited for time shared operating system? 
 A. Shortest job first
 B. Round robin
 C. First com first serve
 D. Elevator

7) Global locks 
 A. Synchronize access to local resources
 B. Synchronize access to global resources
 C. Are used to avoid local locks
 D. Prevent access to global resources

8) A static partitioned memory management system has a total of six partitions. If one is allocated to the operating system, this will allow a total of 
 A. Five user jobs
 B. Six user jobs
 C. Thirty-two user jobs
 D. Thirty-six user jobs

9) Cooperating processes can 
 A. Only share a logical address space directly that is, both code and data
 B. Access concurrently to shared data may result in data consistency
 C. Either directly share a logical address space or be allowed to share data only through files or messages
 D. None of these responses are correct

10) Time sharing provides 
 A. Disk management
 B. File system management
 C. Concurrent execution
 D. All of the above
Ans:-  D

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