Wednesday, 5 March 2014


1) Which one is best for memory allocation? 
 A. First fit
 B. Best fit
 C. Worst fit
 D. All of these
 Ans:- B

2) Which of the following approaches do not require knowledge of the system state? 
 A. Deadlock detection
 B. Deadlock prevention
 C. Deadlock avoidance
 D. None of the above
Ans:- D

3) Which structure prohibits the sharing of files and directories? 
 A. Tree structure
 B. One level structure
 C. Two level structure
 D. None of these

4) Which structure prohibits the sharing of files and directories? 
 A. Tree structure
 B. One level structure
 C. Two level structure
 D. None of the these

5) The file structure that redefines its first record at a base of zero uses the term 
 A. Relative organization
 B. Key fielding
 C. Dynamic reallocation
 D. Hashing

6) There are no cycles of 
 A. General graph directory
 B. Cyclic graph directory
 C. One level directory
 D. Two level directory

7) File attributes are 
 A. Name
 B. Type
 C. Location
 D. All of these
Ans:- D

8) The performance of cache memory is frequently measured in terms of a quantity called 
 A. Bit ratio
 B. Nor ratio
 C. No ratio
 D. Hit ratio

9) Cascading termination refers to termination of all child processes before the parent terminates 
 A. Normally
 B. Abnormally
 C. Normally or abnormally
 D. None of these

10) Which of the following is true?
 A. The linkage editor is used to edit programs which have to be later linked together.
 B. The linkage editor links object modules during compiling or assembling.
 C. The linkage editor links object modules and resolves external references between them before loading.
 D. The linkage editor resolves external references between the object modules during execution time.

11) Dirty bit is used to show 
 A. Page with corrupted data
 B. Wrong page in the memory
 C. Page that is modified after being loaded into cache memory
 D. Page that is less frequently accessed

12) Given memory partitions of 100K, 500K, 200K, 300K and 600K (in order) and processes of 212K, 417K, 112K, and 426K (in order), using the first-fit algorithm in which partition would the process requiring 426K be placed? 
 A. 100K
 B. 500K
 C. 200K
 D. 600K

13) Trojan horse 
 A. A code segment that misuses its file is called trojan horse
 B. Good for file accessing
 C. Both A and B
 D. None of these

14) ______ is used in operating system to separate mechanism from policy 
 A. Single level implementation
 B. Two level implementation
 C. Multi level implementation
 D. None
Ans:- B

15) MICR has made possible to 
 A. Cashless society
 B. Checkless society
 C. Creditless society
 D. None of these

16) Paging is a memory management scheme that ___________________. 
 A. Permits the logical address space of a process to be noncontiguous
 B. Avoids external fragmentation and the need for compaction
 C. Solves the considerable problem of fitting memory chunks of fixed sizes onto the backing store
 D. All of the above

17) Indefinite blocking is called 
 A. Deadlock
 B. Starvation
 C. Both a and b
 D. None of these

18) Which of the following statements is not true? 
 A. Deadlock can never occur if resources can be shared by competing processes.
 B. Deadlock can never occur if resources must be requested in the same order by processes.
 C. The banker s algorithm for avoiding deadlock requires knowing resource requirements in advance.
 D. If the resource allocation graph depicts a cycle then deadlock has certainly occured

19) The operating system of a computer serves as a software interface between the user and 
 A. Software
 B. Hardware
 C. Processor
 D. Compiler

20) Inter process communication 
 A. Is never necessary
 B. Allows processors to synchronize
 C. Is required for all processes
 D. Is usually done via disk drives

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