Wednesday, 26 February 2014


1) The recursively enumerable languages are closed under
Union and intersection

2) What is mono alphabetic substitution.
 A character in the plaintext is always changed to the same character in the ciphertext, regardless of its position in the text.

3)  Bresenhan’s line drawing algorithm is most sought because it uses only
Integer Arithmetic.

4)  What is meant by critical fusion frequency.
The refresh rate above which a picture stops flickering and fuses into a steady image is called as critical fusion frequency.

5) A network schema allows
Many-Many relationship.

6) What is the difference between specialization and generalization.
Specialization is a top-down process.
Generalization is a bottom-up process.

7) Who is an identifying owner.
The entity type on which weak entity type depends is called as an identifying owner.

8) What are the rules of a completeness constraint.
Super type, sub type.

9) An embedded printer provides
An inserted index.

10) Analysis of large database to retrieve information is called as
OLAP (Online Analytical Processing)

11) The end of a sql command is denoted by 

12)  A function that has no partial functional dependencies is in which normal form.

13) Highest noise margin is offered by
TTL (Transistor-transistor logic)

14) Parallel to serial processing is done by

15) ANSI X.12 belongs to which standard.

16) Link analysis operation in data mining makes use of 
Association discovery technique

17) Bluetooth uses which transmission media.
Radio links.

18) What is meant by downflow in data warehouse
It is the process of archiving and backup of data in warehouse.

19) Which synchronizes critical resources to prevent deadlock.

20) The memory allocation schema subjected to external fragmentation is

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