1) Effective teaching is the result of
Clear and factual communication.
2) Man has attained success in various fields of life including education due to
Man's learning capacity.
3) State the reason for becoming a teacher.
It is a reputable job.
4) The best method to teach in class is by
Using audio-visual aids.
5) How to control students in the classroom.
By identifying the cause for restlessness.
6) Who is a teacher.
A teacher is a friend, philosopher, guide to students.
7) One will be an effective communicator if
One is clear about what one communicates.
Use of audio visual aids.
8) The best way to understand the students aptitude is by
Speaking with them freely and identify the aptitude.
9) A teacher in a classroom should be like
A leader.
10) A good research involves
A penetrating and analytical mind.
11) A competent teacher is one who
Creates interest in the subject amongst students.
12) Quality of research depends on
Proper guidance.
13) Moral teachings of teacher would give
Moral values to students.
14) Teachers need to study educational psychology because
It helps the teacher to handle the students in a more progressive way.
15) According to Plato, the main goal of education is to
Develop the power of thought.
16) Aim of modern education should aim for
Harmonious development of personality of the student.
17) The main advantage of educational values are
To develop healthy and balanced personality.
Generate capacity to earn livelihood
Develop vocational efficiency.
18) Operation BlackBoard is related to
Primary education.
19) Evaluation is useful to assess
Knowledge and skill.
Attitudes and study habits.
Interest and appreciations.
20) The degree of brightness possessed by an individual is termed as
Intelligent Quotient.
Clear and factual communication.
2) Man has attained success in various fields of life including education due to
Man's learning capacity.
3) State the reason for becoming a teacher.
It is a reputable job.
4) The best method to teach in class is by
Using audio-visual aids.
5) How to control students in the classroom.
By identifying the cause for restlessness.
6) Who is a teacher.
A teacher is a friend, philosopher, guide to students.
7) One will be an effective communicator if
One is clear about what one communicates.
Use of audio visual aids.
8) The best way to understand the students aptitude is by
Speaking with them freely and identify the aptitude.
9) A teacher in a classroom should be like
A leader.
10) A good research involves
A penetrating and analytical mind.
11) A competent teacher is one who
Creates interest in the subject amongst students.
12) Quality of research depends on
Proper guidance.
13) Moral teachings of teacher would give
Moral values to students.
14) Teachers need to study educational psychology because
It helps the teacher to handle the students in a more progressive way.
15) According to Plato, the main goal of education is to
Develop the power of thought.
16) Aim of modern education should aim for
Harmonious development of personality of the student.
17) The main advantage of educational values are
To develop healthy and balanced personality.
Generate capacity to earn livelihood
Develop vocational efficiency.
18) Operation BlackBoard is related to
Primary education.
19) Evaluation is useful to assess
Knowledge and skill.
Attitudes and study habits.
Interest and appreciations.
20) The degree of brightness possessed by an individual is termed as
Intelligent Quotient.
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